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ADU Prefab A No Go

So what do you do when you have an inexperienced ADU company that has good pricing but doesn't have it's "shit" together? Well . . . you...

ADU Habitat Quotes

A quote, a quote a kingdom for a quote . . . at least ones that are realistic and within my budget! Habitat ADU did give me quotes and...

ADU Builder - Prefab

I had eliminated the pre-fab ADUS because of the cost and my dislike of their overall look/design. Granted a prefab-ADU costs less than...

ADU Builder - Part III

So now that you have a building plan that will pass City Hall, and you've interviewed a few builders/contractors and decided to keep the...

ADU Builder - Part II

So we've talked about finding an architect, preferable one that has a collection of ADU plans, but even with the plans, you'll need a...

ADU Builders - Part I

Builders, builders everywhere Tiny homes that don't compare In your backyard ASAP Now, who to trust, who to believe? Frankly, I don't...

Sketchup + Wikihouse

After taking a second look at the Pioneer House I realize that it's not going to work for me in its present form, but all is not lost....


WikiHouse is an open-source project for designing and building houses. It's attempting to simplify the construction of sustainable,...

Talking To An Architect

I've gotten to a point where I thought I'd talk to an architect to see if building an ADU in my backyard makes sense. So I made an...

ADU Assembly Bills

There were a number of ADU bills passed by the state of California in 2019 which focused on "relaxing" restrictions for ADUS, or what...

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