Ah, yes build an ADU and the next thing you know you're singing the lyrics to The Fix "One Thing Leads To Another".
Starting in 2020 ADUS are required to have solar PV. This, as I stated before, is a boneheaded requirement. I worked in Solar for 6 years and you have to take solar on a case by case basis. It's just not a slam dunk. The least the "powers that be" could have done and should do is exempt Solar on ADUS that are less than X number of square feet. Since the City of San Jose has eliminated the Schools and Parkland fees for ADUS 750 sq ft. or less I'll pick that number.
But in the meantime, if I'm going to add solar to my ADU I might as well add it to my whole house. Now, this is where "one thing leads to another". If I'm adding solar I'll need to upgrade my electrical to 200 Amps and since my roof is on its last legs I'll reroof now instead of waiting a couple of years. This, of course, requires permits and designs and plans and more time and patience.
I have only so much time but patience is something one certainly develops by building an ADU.